Sertã Route Day [ 1 ]

Through ancestral lands

[Troviscainho - Sertã ]
17.5 km
833 m
Earth & Asphalt
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This journey takes place in the municipality of Sertã. It starts on the eastern edge of the municipality in the village of Troviscainho in the parish of Troviscal and ends in the town of Sertã. It passes through remote places with small villages where there are facilities to welcome pilgrims. The landscape is made up of hills, slopes, and valleys of the Serra de Alvelos, where the Ribeira da Sertã flows. The local settlement is ancient, as demonstrated by archaeological remains, documentary references, and the very toponymy of the villages, with places and sites such as outeiro (hillock), cabeço (hilltop), and cova (cave).

In Troviscal, whose name evokes the colourful patches of the troviscos, evergreen shrubs that bloom in summer and autumn, stands the main Church with its bell tower. Close by is a pleasant river beach. Visitors can discover the unique beauty of the local natural heritage by climbing up to Pico Rainho, a viewpoint at an altitude of around 1,000 metres, where the view is breathtaking.  Through a landscape characterised by large tracts of pine, oak, and olive forest, the route passes through Cruz do Fundão and Maxialinho. Finally, it arrives in Sertã, where nature and history stand side by side. On a hill next to the castle stand the 16th century pillory and the main Church, a monument with a large tower and an interior lined with tiles and wood carvings from the 17th and 18th centuries.

Guide coming soon GPX KML